Recently, I have been asked the question "what the heck is integrative living" by more than a few folks. According to the dictionary, the word integrative suggests "forming a whole or aggregate" and "tending to integrate", both of which form the basis for a more comprehensive and implicit definition.
Read moreTolerating the Intolerable
We all have "blocks." At least that's how we think of them and what we call them. We know they are present when we experience sensations of anxiety, boredom or even inexplicable anger. To others, they often look like denial, defensiveness or even dissociation.
Read moreWhat's On Your Mind?
What's on your mind? Often, we don't know the answer to that question. More often, we only know the big things. We know when we've got a bill we can't pay, we know when there's a crush we can't shake and we know that we're worrying, even if we can't say what we're worried about.
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